Meet Baby Santiago! | Photo Blog | Oatis Green Photography & Design

Meet Baby Santiago!

Baby Photo Lovers, recently I have the distinct pleasure of introducing you to baby Santiago, who was officially 10 days new!

Newborn 1 - Baby Santiago

I think we can all agree: His cute baby cheeks and sweet sleepy smile should earn him a spot on the cover of every baby magazine in the nation!

Anyway, as you can see from the pictures above, baby Santiago and I had one of the best sessions together. His mom, Victoria, was excited to for this session, as we had been planning it for a few weeks. Her preparation efforts allowed us to have an especially awesome shoot together.

Baby Santiago slept all the way through the entire session. And when he wasn't sleeping, baby Santiago was happy, relaxed, smiley). He couldn’t have been any better.

“I was nervous and excited,” says Victoria.

Because the shoot went so well, I asked Victoria if she would share one helpful piece of advice with other mothers planning a newborn session (See – I've got your back, moms around the world). Her biggest piece of advice is: “Giving your baby a warm bath before calms them down and feel more relaxed.”

Without further adieu, Baby Santiago

Newborn 2 - Baby Santiago

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